A Ministry of

New Mission Systems International


Open Ears

Maasai Men Choose to Hear the Gospel

“It’s time for you lead this community.”  At a recent meeting of Maasai elders and heads of families in Olchorro Onyokie, AfricaHope director Tim Mantai challenged the men with these words.  As the possessors of wealth and leaders of their families, Maasai men have long been the primary decision-makers and body of leadership for any Maasai village.  In contrast to women, children, and youth, they have also been the least receptive to the gospel.  Churches and Bible studies in Maasai-land are largely attended by women and children, while the men remain few.  There is a huge need in Maasai-land for the leaders and elders to submit to Christ..Committee

In a recent attempt to reach the men of Olchorro Onyokie, AfricaHope’s Church Ministry staff hosted a “goat fellowship” to promote fellowship and discussion about the gospel.  Traditionally in Maasai culture, one of the favorite communal events for men is to roast a goat under the trees and share the meat together for an afternoon.  During the meeting our staff discussed the importance of not just the women and children knowing the gospel, but the men as well.  We shared that the gospel was life changing, and that as the leaders in the community, the men needed to know about Jesus Christ.

Tuala, a new believer in the community, spoke up and shared his testimony, saying “What these people have shared with me has changed my life, and this whole community needs to hear it!”  Several men then got up one at a time, each sharing their desire to hear about the Bible and God’s will for their life..Committee

After much discussion, the men declared that beginning today, they would like us to come each week for a Men’s Bible Study to hear the word of God.  That day 15 men signed their names as a promise to come each week.  Please pray for our staff as we share the Gospel with these men in the coming months. Praise God for His Spirit who is at work in the community of Olchorro Onyokie!