A Ministry of

New Mission Systems International



Several years ago, AfricaHope partnered with the community of Letukunyi to drill a borehole (deep water well) to provide clean drinking water to the community for the first time.  Although the borehole benefited the community by providing drinking water, Letukunyi did not see the full potential of the borehole until this year.Committee 

After attending a farming seminar sponsored by AfricaHope and being encouraged by our staff, Enoch, who is a believer and also a church elder, decided to farm using the water from the borehole.  To the Maasai, who are traditionally pastoralist, this was a new concept, and most believed Enoch would certainly fail.  Committee

Enoch planted two acres of tomatoes and used the water from the borehole for his crop.  After three months, he harvested the tomatoes and earned a large profit. Along with the profit, people from the area were employed to pick and box the tomatoes. By the end of the day, the employees of the farm went back to their homes with some money and tomatoes.Committee

People in the area are happy and praising God that He has opened their eyes and now they can see good fruits from their own land. Other men from the area are now preparing to plant more tomatoes. The women from Letukunyi say that they thank God that He can use one person to bring a change to an entire community.