Pushing Forward
The school year recently ended for all primary students in Kenya, a very important time for the class 8 students completing their primary school education. Caregivers, students, and teachers work towards this time each year to prepare themselves for final, national exams.
All Class 8 students complete the KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) testing at the end of the year. The score achieved on this exam will determine the quality of secondary schools available to the students, or whether they will return to their village. Students who don’t receive high marks will return to their village, to herd livestock and care for children, most of them marrying shortly thereafter.
A few weeks ago our OVC staff sat down to hear the dreams these students had about their future. Their dreams were big, with many of them responding that they wanted to be a pilot, or a doctor who treats people, or just someone who makes a difference in the world. Many of them added that in whatever they do, that want to please God and make their community proud. Our staff was able to pray with them for their dreams, and their upcoming test.
Update: Since this story was written, 6 out of AfricaHope’s 8 scholarship students completing class 8 received average and above average scores on their KCPE and are now attending Secondary School!
You can pray for these students with us in the following areas:
-God to bless these students in their studies as they continue on into Secondary School.
-God to open doors of blessing for our caregivers to be in a position to show proper love, care to these students.